Secret Sisters (and Brothers)

Several years ago we started a fun tradition of a brothers/sisters gift exchange. It's really been neat to see this evolve from us simply giving them X amount of dollars, to them earning the money each year, and see how much they look forward to it and how much thought goes in to these gifts!

This year, BMW and AW had each other's names, and BMW had a great time trick wrapping her brother's gifts with all the clear packing tape she could wrap around those gifts (which were a Lego movie and candy to eat while watching it).

AW got his sister all the earrings a little girl's ears could ever need, which is her newest found love, and a sign that my little tomboy girl is growing up too fast on  me! 

KW got SW baby doll clothes and the sweetest little car seat, both things which speak to her baby-loving heart so much. I promise, SW is one of the most tender-hearted girls you will ever meet, especially when it comes to babies. We can't make it through the doll aisle at the store without her finding some baby that she just "falls in love with and can't go home without" and it's heartbreaking when she indeed does have to go home empty handed. 

Meanwhile, SW surprised BW with some fun PJ Masks toys, one of his current loves. 

Last but not least, BW got to bless his biggest sister with some fun art supplies. 

I love these just as much as anything else, and it truly has nothing to do with the gifts. We want our children to learn that the biggest blessing is getting your mind off your own wants and wishes and thinking about someone else, and what could be a blessing to them. They have learned that sometimes it takes extra work to be able to do something nice for someone, that you have to push through when it isn't so fun, and keep your eyes on what you are working for.

This has nothing at all to do with homeschooling, but so much to do with life schooling. My husband and I know now, as adults and parents, that the joy of giving to those you love far outweighs the excitement of new things. We want our children to know that now, and my heart grows so much seeing them get excited every single year for the chance to surprise each other. 

Look for ways to teach your children to love each other, and others, because you only have this small amount of time to invest in them!


  1. You can tell from their faces they are more excited to see the response to the gift they are giving than to get a gift. Not that they don't like getting presents (cause who DOESN'T like that), but they have got their priorities straight and have learned it is truly better to give than to get. Good for you!


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