Reintroductions Are In Order

Since it has been SO long, I feel like I should reintroduce the gang to you :) Older faces also get to have new names! Well, not exactly new names. It's more so that their old blog nicknames just don't seem to fit anymore. So we are going a different route from here forward - get ready for something huge! - initials! Hahaha! So that really didn't need a lot of thought, but it's what works now and will flow a lot smoother while I'm writing/typing, so there ya go. :)

Hello! From babies to big, gangly, growing and gorgeous!
I have tried and tried to explain to them what happens when they insist on growing up - that the end result is making their mom and dad so much older, as well - but they refuse to listen to reason. So
 now we are in this stage of life where everyone has exploding growth spurts, emotions and hormones are slightly raging at times, and yet the experiences and dynamics of this family of mine are truly amazing. 


This oldest girl of ours is such a treasure! Ever the artistic old soul, she loves music of all kinds, excels at playing the violin and singing, and has such a love of theatre! I'm trying to carefully expose her to all the aspects of theatre - from starring roles, to backstage business. I'll share more in posts to come about what has gone on in her acting career so far (and saying it that way makes it sound so much more professional than it is, in case you wondered). She is in the 8th grade this year (I can't believe I'm actually saying that) and the reality of how much time I don't have left to be her teacher and guide is so very real to me these days! She ushered us in to the teen years this past September, and I suspect it will be memorable in more ways than I can imagine. Those raging hormones I talked about? Yehap. You have your answer with this girl! 


Right behind KW is this 12 year old Renaissance man-in-the-making. He enjoys music - he is currently trying to teach himself piano, played a year of baritone last year and decided to try the trombone this year. He still greatly enjoys sports - he has played baseball since he was 5, and has pushed through wonderful winning seasons and hung in through some terrible, tough seasons. He also has dabbled in theatre, and would probably do much more, but we are working on bringing some balance to our schedules and therefore have to teach the kids the same and make them choose what is most important. AW has such a mathematical mind, and fights hard in reading still, but progress is continually made which is what matters the most to me.


This is our ever lively middle child! She gets all initials because, really, when your name is also a luxury car, why not? Fun fact - those initials helped solve the naming debate before she was born - we had two middle names picked out, but my husband said that you just couldn't pass up giving your child a name like that! She is so quick witted, so smart, and keeps us on our toes all the time! She loves structure and is one of the most self-motivated kids we have to date. Give her a challenge or goal to meet, and she will put 110% in to making it happen! She is in her first year of band, playing the clarinet and absolutely KILLING it! She is also one of our gymnasts, and truly I think her body may be there in the gym, but in her mind, she is Olympics bound 😂😂


Formerly known as Bug, this is the kindest soul you will ever come across. She is also the first to say away from something new, so we are working on that! She is also a budding gymnast, and what is funny is that, while she does not have quite the personal drive that BMW has, she picks up on many things much faster. It is interesting to see the two side by side and notice the differences/strengths/weaknesses. She is in the '3rd grade' this year, and still is making use of much of our Montessori methods when needed. 


My baby. How in the world he got this big, this fast, I'll never know! He is the ultimate sports enthusiast! He truly loves anything that is related to all sports, but currently is still muddling through the early baseball years. His natural talent is wonderful to watch as it unfolds, and his biggest academic achievement this last year has been conquering reading. As he so excitedly said one day, after reading to me, he "LOVES words!" and reads anything he can get his hands on! 

So there is my gang - my little classroom of hearts and minds that are constantly developing! 
With that, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to more blogging in the new year!

-Amy 😍


  1. Great entry!!! So glad to have you back and posting again!


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