Free Printables!

          I JUST HAD TO SHARE!

There is a new addition to the blog, one I'm very excited to share! If you follow me on facebook, you may have seen that I have been trying to stretch the limits and see what I can do with Google Docs, while teaching myself how to make some fun printables to be used in our homeschool. 

It's always been a desire of mine to be able to not only make my own printables for personal use, but be able to share them with others. They are definitely not of the caliber that is worth selling, and yet - I think someone might be able to use them. So I am offering anything I make for FREE! I'm sure there are many versions of the printables I make that can be found online, teaching the same thing - but I am having too much fun putting these together. I am hoping these will be a blessing to someone! 

Just as the graphic shows, you can find the link for these at the top of my page, directly under the 'Home' button. I will be adding to this as I make more, and hopefully as the summer goes on and we start school again in the Fall, you will see these show up on the blog throughout pictures of work the kids do 'in' school. If you happen to use any of these printables, I would love to see some pictures of your kiddos enjoying them - especially if you blog!

One stipulation I am going to ask that you abide by. Please do not share the direct link to these printables. For sake of giving credit to where credit is due, please - when sharing about these printables with anyone, direct them back here, and more specifically - to the Free Printables page on the blog. 

I hope you enjoy these as much as I think we will!


  1. I say "FANTASTIC!" great job and I will be using these in my family day care/preschool . Do you mind if I share these on a FB page. I know others will eat them up!! And yes it is a blessing to me! Sherry

    1. By all means, yes! You are more than welcome to share - feel free to share the link to this post, or the direct link to the Printables page. I am glad you like them, and hope they can be a blessing. Continue to look for more as time goes on, because I can assure you, more will be made!


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I would love to hear what you think of this post! I do pray it has been a blessing, and would be honored to hear your ideas and suggestions!

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