Tot School - Pink and Purple


Seeing as how these are such 'girl colors' (yes, in our house, they are still girl colors! We have enough girls that we have never had to tell our boys that they are girl colors - they figured it out on their own!), I wasn't sure how much Buddy was going to enjoy these colors.

In fact, oddly enough, I had the least of all for these colors, I think. I had a little of this, and a little of that, but nothing that screamed out for much creative genius in tot trays. So we went a little simple with the ideas - things that were easy to put together, which is a good thing since life seems to be extremely busy for us here lately.

Here are the trays:

Pink and Purple Sorting

Pink and Purple One-To-One correspondence - hand transfer

Pink and Purple puzzles: Purple Grapes and a Pink and Purple Elephant

Pink and Purple Sensory Bucket:
Pink Scoop - Target Dollar Spot
Pink Cup - Dollar Store
Pink Flowers - I honestly can't remember where these came from.
Purple Flowers - (same as above!)
Purple poms - Walmart
Clear gems - Dollar Store

Buddy Boy in Action:

The one and only picture I caught of him doing this work, although he did work on transferring several times, sometimes multiple times in one day.

The sorting work, however, was another story. With a great deal of coaxing, he did sort about half the objects in to the right bowls.

He did a whole lot of THIS...
(no that's not really a stretchy key chain, it's got to be some sort of wonky necklace, right?)

and THIS...
(yes, he said he was going to wear the shoe!)

and THIS on his own.... 

before deciding that the small purple puzzle piece erasers would fit nicely together - to make bowling pins. And he bowled.... 

(it's hard to see in the picture below, but he had just completed his first toss of the prickly *bowling* ball)

 He enjoyed the puzzles again this time, and wasn't the least bit confused that there were two of them - he was able to correctly match the pieces to the right puzzle board each time. 

I love the concentration!

The sensory bucket was so simple, I was pleasantly surprised that he enjoyed it so much. I guess there's something to be said for the joy in pouring and scooping!

That was our fun in pink and purple! We have one more color group to work on - black and white - which will happen after the holidays! I wanted to have all colors finished before Christmas, but sometimes our best laid plans have to be pushed aside for the sake of sanity and enjoying what's going on around you!


  1. Those activities look like fun! My boy loves pink and purple because his older sisters love "girl colors" and always tell him he's supposed to only like blue because he's a boy :)

    1. That's funny :) I will say, he did better than his older brother would have - possibly for the same reason - he has those two sisters closer to him that he loves playing with! So glad you stopped by!


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