Reader's Review - The Little Engine That Could

One of the best things we get monthly, came in the mail today.


In case you can't tell yet, we are a book-loving family. My husband is not much of a reader, and neither are most of his sisters. I, however, LOVE to read, and one day hope to have the time to get back to being able to have my own reading time. As it is, whenever I have time to read, it's usually reading something that will assist in teaching my children! 

We heard a few years ago about Dolly Parton's Imagination LIbrary, but when I first checked into it, we had lost the support for it in our local area. Sadly, I chalked that one up as an opportunity we didn't have and forgot about it. Until the beginning of this year, that is - when I found out that we had indeed gotten the support back for it, if we had ever truly lost it in the first place. So the first thing I did was get online and get my youngest two signed up - fast! Unfortunately, by this time, my oldest three were already too old for it. In case you don't know, The Dolly Parton Imagination LIbrary is a program that is locally sponsored, which allows children from birth to age 5 to receive one new book every month until their fifth birthday. So even though we missed out some, we are still guaranteed a few good years of new books coming in! That, my friends, is very exciting!

Today, when one of our two new books for the month of June came in the mail (Bug gets one, and Buddy Boy gets one, and they are age appropriate, which means we actually get two new ones each month), I thought it would be neat to start a Reading Review series that will hopefully be on-going throughout the duration of their new books (yehap - that means
the next 2 1/2 - 3 years), show-casing a different book each time and highlighting the pros (or cons) of it and how much we enjoyed it as a family. The purpose (because there is always a purpose) would be to hopefully give some inspiration for good books that others might like to invest in, or - even better - to encourage you to look up the program for yourself, if you haven't already, and if it is available in your area, to get yourself signed up! That part is VERY easy :)

For the first book of this series, I just had to start with the first one we received. The first month was the only month where we received the same book for both children (so far), and the first book is :

                             THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD 

                                         by: Watty Piper

This is the only book that we have gotten duplicates of this far, and I am glad we did! Due to the fact that our children like books so much, they always end up being very well loved - and well used.

So I pulled out the second copy, which has been safely stored in the top of a closet in my room, for the nice pictures - the 'broke-in' copy is kept with the kids books. Usually a stickler for getting rid of excess, this is one book I'd like to keep for grandchildren one day!

I LOVE the beautiful illustrations in this book! The colors are in the most comforting, deep, rich hue that just tells a story all it's own of beauty. 

The story tells of a small engine who just couldn't make it over the mountain. Dismayed, a small clown and various other toys try to find another engine on the tracks that can pull them over the mountain, to reach 'all the good little boys and girls' on the other side. 

After several disappointments, refusing to give up, they finally find a small engine willing to give it a try. Through encouragement and determination, well.... I can't give away the whole story! 

A timeless classic, this is a wonderful story of never giving up. I love that through the pages of this book, the reader can incorporate lessons of being a helper to those in need, and the determination to succeed. 

This book receives an over-the-top, 5 star rating from my children, and myself. I would highly recommend this one to anyone!

Where you can find The Little Engine That Could:

There are also many spin-off books that are available to add to the collection!

I hope you have enjoyed the first in a series of Reading Reviews!

Happy Reading!



  1. It makes me always happy to hear of book-loving families! Have a good time!

    1. Thank you! We definitely DO love books, and love to participate in things like our summer reading program and many others. Unfortunately, it seems this summer is moving so fast already!


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