A Light Of Normalcy is Ahead!!!

Yesterday I finally saw a little bit of normal routine possibly coming back to us!

This past month of June - I don't know what happened to it. I know it was here, but I couldn't tell you were it has gone! In all seriousness, the plans I thought were so well laid and that were going to be easy to accomplish were completely blown out of the water by the end of the first week of June. In my post about our summer plans, I thought I had everything pretty neatly laid out, with a little room for last minute changes. Boy, did I have another thing coming!

Our month of June started out with two weeks of Vacation Bible School, one at a family member's church, with my husband out of town the same week, and then another week of VBS at our own church, which was even busier because I was an assistant teacher in the 3-5 year old class (imagine 9-12, 3-5's in a room that couldn't have been much bigger than 11'11 - and then add to that the fact that 1/3 of them were visitors that weren't used to our church - you are beginning to see the picture, I'm sure....).

I had already planned on not 'having school' during these two weeks, because I knew they would be busy and really, the  kids AND I needed some time off. What I didn't anticipate was the sad week that would follow these two busy ones. A very dear lady, that my children and I were very close to, from our church lost her battle with cancer and instead got the better end of the deal- she went home to be with the Lord. That third week of June was spent trying to help what I could, and visit her a couple times before she past away. 

Then, this past week my husband was once again out of town. There - now that the month has been laid out for me week by week, I see what happened to it! But there was no room in there for school, obviously. Thankfully, the beginning of the return to routine came somewhat unexpectedly this past week. We have rather neglected our library (and double reading programs) due to the busyness, and it was becoming a looming monster over my shoulder - reading logs left too blank, books that were horrendously overdue - and I was trying to catch up with that this week. The same day we planned on going to the library anyway, I found out that the Mad Scientist was going to be there. My children had never seen him, so I knew they would enjoy a special surprise. Of course, I have tons of pictures to show - NOT! My beloved camera made it all the way to the library, and then sat in the truck, completely un-used for the entire time. That's the way it goes, I guess.

However, we stayed after to turn in reading logs, and get more books, and by the time we got home, I realized that the trip was just what we needed!

So today, we started things off right!

Another trip to another library, to return yet another set of reading logs, pick up prizes and books, and then off to cash in our the prizes gotten from the previous day:


 And what's a trip to Chick-Fil-A without some play time???

This one was actually quite the interesting photo. My intention was to get a picture of Bug coming down, and at the last second, she moved right into the glare. Just as she did that, Buddy Boy was in for a photo bomb, except this one went awry when she almost sat on him! :) I almost deleted this one, and I am so glad it was safely saved! 

I am hoping that we can kick off some Fourth of July fun next week, and I am also wanting to re-create some of the science experiments that we saw this past week again at home, where they can get some hands on experience with them! 

I hope you all are enjoying your summers and staying cool! 


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