In The Beginning

Well - I finally did it. For months now, I have considered starting a blog. I thought about the pros and cons. I love to write, love to review what has gone on during my day(s) and week(s). I LOVE to read other great blogs, of which I hope to figure out how to link to on here! I also have five children and a full time job as mommy, teacher (we homeschool - that in itself is a full time job!) and a wife to a wonderful husband and my best friend. In the end, I guess it came down to the fact that it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. If I fall flat on my face - well, the good news is - no one will EVER see this post! So I can just forget it and move on. However, maybe it will take off. Maybe I can be an inspiration to someone, or just an encouragement along the way. So in this blog, you will find no gossip. You will find no pretending of a perfect life. Only facts - cold, hard truths about the good - the bad - yes, even sometimes the ugly! You might find encouragement one day from God's word, to homeschooling updates the next, and a good recipe the next! If it stops being a blessing, or enjoyable, or becomes a burden - you may find me taking a break! But I hope that no matter what, I can give all the Glory to the one who deserves it the most - that is my Lord! So if you are reading this, I hope my blog is a source of laughter, joy, and encouragement to you!


  1. Congratulations on starting the blog, Amy! And thanks for visiting ours :) I'm going to pin some of your awesome stuff so we can bring more readers your way!

    Trillium Montessori

    1. Thank you! I LOVE getting new ideas from other blogs - that's where most of my ideas either come from, or are inspired from! I can't wait to look around your blog some more, as well!


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