Homeschool tidbits

                               "This isn't so bad." - SW
It wouldn't seem like such a big deal to hear that, except this is SW.
She balks at everything new, and most things she's done before that were new. I know that sounds crazy, but if you just knew this girl. So this week, we've been working on the relationship between multiplication and division, and how you can use one to remember the other. 

We had talked about this a little before our extended winter break, but since it had been a while, she may have had a slight breakdown when I reintroduced it. Thankfully, it was short lived! We are working through reviewing multiplication facts and discovering the art of division :) And honestly, she may be one of my most hard to teach at this point in life because of her tendency to be afraid of something new, despite the fact that she is ridiculously smart and almost always catches on immediately (even if she pretends she doesn't 'get it')

Also, currently, my bed is the best place to do school work, especially for the younger snugglers, and we might spend quite a bit of the day doing just that! :) I call that a wonderful perk of homeschooling! :) 


  1. This is a big help!

    I have a daughter enrolled in an Online International School ( and current in preschool. She is enjoying the home school program and hoping she will appreciate this kind of learning until we finish this school year. More power to your blog!

  2. Hey Name:💞💞💞💞💞💞


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