We've Got Grammar Going On

*a little late in posting, but it's better late than never!*

Week 6&7

Grammar seems to be showing up everywhere here lately - at least, in the pictures it is!

LM (not pictured - at all) is finishing up the review of parts of speech. Many of them she - brace yourself - hasn't had the formal first presentations for. That doesn't mean she doesn't know what they are - she just hasn't gotten every presentation that some of the younger ones have. I want to get to the advanced grammar that she is really ready for, so we are having some fast review lessons so she can get the notes down in her binder and be ready to move on. 

Hoss worked on reviewing verbs these last couple of weeks. He has a hard time keeping track of the name of the pos AND what each one does, and being able to tell me both. Example: He can sort the phrase "the little boy sings" in to article, adjective, noun, verb if I give the sentence, but then can't quickly tell me what each does. OR he can look at the words 'article, adjective, noun, verb' and tell me which words belongs to the rule I give (usually). I am working on trying to get him to know which is which easily. So we are doing a lot of review of what we've done before to make sure he's on good footing. 

Here we started with the simple phrase 'the tiger' and talked about the job of the article again, then added the adjective and reviewed it's job, and then finally the verb and talked about it's job again. We did this with several sentences, and he recorded them in his binder - I am loving the VERY easy DIY grammar symbol stencils that I made for this year. I got the idea from MBT and this post - What Did We Do All Day - Grammar Stencil. Hers looks MUCH better then mine, but mine still does the trick :) and the kids enjoy being able to label their parts of speech easier.

The same day that Hoss reviewed the verb, Miss Priss reviewed the adjective. This is a work she did often last year, but didn't record it in her binder. This year, she made note of the job of the adjective, and recorded/labeled each adjective/noun phrase - i.e. green felt, orange felt, etc.   

Although this constitutes more as language, Bug has enjoyed working with 3 part cards as of late - pictured are the Electrical Appliances cards and Life Cycle Of A Ladybug cards, both from Montessori Print Shop's Free Downloads. 

Miss Priss also likes to review phonograms with 3 part cards from Trillium Montessori

Another extension for practice work with parts of speech that I showed both Hoss and Miss Priss was this one. We picked out a book, any book she chose from either ours or a library book. This particular choice was the book 'Mind Your Manners B.B. Wolf'. She read it to me/with me, and every time she saw a phrase with the article/noun or article/adjective/noun, she would record it, and after filling her page up with different phrases, went back and labeled the parts of speech. I wanted something they could do on their own to practice what they are learning, but that can be a little 'new' every time. 

The next post will be an update on some of the Math that went on during these weeks. 


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