Montessori at Home E-Book giveaway!

                        This is a giveaway you won't want to miss!

Over at What Did We Do All Day, My boys Teacher is giving away a great bundle, thanks to the combined efforts of John Bowman (author of the Montessori at Home E-Book) and Montessori Print Shop.

The Montessori at Home eBook and Materials Bundle contains the newly published 3rd edition of John Bowman's Montessori at Home:  A Complete Guide to Doing Montessori Early Learning Activities at Home with 3-6 year Old Children and 21 printable Montessori Print Shop materials that are recommended in the eBook!

I had no idea such a thing existed when I started looking in to Montessori almost a year ago. Originally, in fact, my thought plan was just to implement the Montessori method a little bit to help keep my younger two busy, so I could traditionally homeschool the rest. That, of course, quickly changed when I fell in love with the Montessori method of teaching. This e-book would be a wonderful one to have if you have preschool/tot-school age children, or if you are a later started and just want to give your older children a good, but quick, foundation in principles that they might have missed out on (you can see my post here about why you would want to do that). 

For some great posts on what you can expect to see in the Montessori at Home e-book, visit Living Montessori Now's Montessori Monday posts that show the 1,000 - 10,000 activitymarbles and golf tees, and  building a flashlight and pipe building. These are all great! And the best part of this giveaway is, Montessori Print Shop is including 21 printable materials that go hand-in-hand with the book!

So to enter, hop over to What Did We Do All Day's giveaway post, read about the giveaway, then find the rafflecopter at the bottom of the post (be patient - it might load slowly) and start filling out the entries, including two entries that can be made daily! 



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