Reader's Review - The Mine-O-Saur

The Mine-O-Saur

Written by:
Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen

Illustrated by:
David Clark

Anyone who has ever been the parent of a toddler knows the feeling of dread that comes when thinking about words you really wish they would just never learn. 'MINE' is one of those words.

This story relates something children love - Dinosaurs - with a very BAD problem - NOT SHARING. 

Disclaimer: There is NO such thing as a mine-o-saur. Unless, that is, you have a two year old in the house! :) The story tells us of a dinosaur that wants everything - it doesn't matter what it is, where it is, or how much he already has. 

The mine-o-saur took the toys, the food, and everything else he could get his hands on. Which was working out fine - until, that is, he realized he had everything to play with and no one to play with him with all those wonderful things!

Little Mine-o-saur realized that all the other dinosaurs were having fun, while they had very little, because they had each other. He wanted the same thing - but this wasn't something he could get by taking it away. 

In the end the dinosaur learned that if he wanted to have friends, he would have to be a friend. Of course, that meant sharing

This is a wonderful book to show children that selfishness and being stingy never helps. Sharing with others is always the way to go!

There's not a whole lot of commentary for this book - it is obviously pretty self explanatory. The illustrations were, quite honestly, my least favorite in style. They fit the bill for a child like atmosphere, just weren't anywhere near my *personal* favorite in style. I did, however, think it was amazing that the artist was able to blend the colors so well on each dinosaur (this coming from someone who has not one iota of artistic talent at all!).

I would have to give this one a 3 star rating. It is a very cute book, and teaches an important lesson, but it has probably been one of the least read out of all of our DPIL books. I think I would definitely say it applies more to the age range of Buddy Boy and Bug. Of course, I say that, and knowing my children, they will prove me wrong and choose this one 9 times out of 10 for a   week after I finish writing this!     

Also, that may just be the opinion of my children - other kids may love this book to pieces, especially if they are dino-addicted!

Would I recommend this book to others? The truth is, I would ALWAYS recommend you read a book, at least once - it's the age old 'You never know until you try' methodology. :)


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