Reader's Review - Llama Llama, Red Pajama

LLama Llama, Red Pajama

written and illustrated by
 Anna Dewdney

        You have GOT to love the Llama Llama books by Anna Dewdney!

Using a llama as a subject, these books give you a different point of view - one of not the adult, but the child. In this particular Llama Llama book, it is a dreaded time of day - bed time! I don't know about you, but I can completely relate with some of my children. Llama Llama goes to bed, but there is a problem - little llama just can't settle down.    

Full of bed time woes, the next couple of pictures show the climax of the distress this little llama is going through. What I find interesting here, in looking at this book a little deeper than just as a funny read for a child, is the emotion behind just such a feeling.

A touch of seriousness - what if the thoughts our children are having at bed time are far more serious than we think? What may sound absurd to us - being afraid that we are gone - may not be so absurd to our children. Yes - they have the ability to understand object permanence after the first 6 months of life (approximately). But children also have an immense imagination that could possible encourage such a fear. What if mama or daddy had to go somewhere? What if they just left me here in bed, to sleep, while they are gone? It may sound silly to some, but I have had some of my younger children ask to be sure I was still going to be here and that I didn't have to go anywhere while they were asleep. I like the perspective this book shows us, from a child's possible thoughts.   

Of course, Llama Llama doesn't have to wait long before his mama indeed DOES come - but after some needed reminding that 'Mama is busy, too!', well.... the last page is very sweet but you will have to read the book to know!  

I would highly recommend this book, as well as the other books in the 
'Llama Llama series" (links below!).

This one gets a 5 star rating, as well - my youngest two especially like it and have memorized many of the pages, and often tell me what it says before I can read it. In fact, as I write this post, Buddy Boy found me and began telling me what the pages said that I had taken pictures of.

I hope you can find the llama llama books and make them a part of your home collection, or atleast find them in your library bag on your next trip!

The Llama Llama series can be found here:

Llama Llama's Little Library (board book) (available for pre-order - the release date for this one is October 2013!)


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