MIA again....

I've been missing from this blog so much this summer..... 

I can't help it - we've been having TOO much fun just enjoying ourselves!                                                 

                                            We've Been:

Riding the train at the park

Swimming with friends

Picking blackberries (and eating them!)

Doing A LOT of reading. When the summer started, I picked a few books for Hoss that just went completely over his head - and reading level - and it really discouraged him. I learned my lesson to not rush through picking up books at the library. So when I went back and found some perfect for his reading level - easy enough to read on his own, but hard enough to make him improve his reading - he was OFF and no stopping him! 

Many, many trips were made to the library. Pictured directly below are two of our local librarians, and our story time friends! I can't brag enough on how wonderful our local library is!

We also caught some special things going on at the library, like special story times. This one was from the local Young Actors Guild, who read the story Freckle Face Strawberry, and then gave us a preview of their summer play 'Freckle Face Strawberry'

We went to a few 'Wonderful Wednesday' times at the library, about several different things (Mad Scientist, which was their favorite, and also one about the Opera, which featured some different places where operatic music can be found and even featured a local singer trained in operatic singing who just so happened to be a fellow story time mom! The pictures below were from a visit from one the workers at our local Nature Center, which is one of our favorite places to visit!)  

These pictures are actually from the Fourth of July, but I couldn't leave that  most important holiday out of our summer! I did NOT, however, put in every picture taken - that would have made for a lot of pictures. So I just included some of my favorites. By the way - did I ever mention that I am NOT a professional photographer by any means? Probably didn't have to - I'm sure you can tell! 

It's unbelievable that the summer has flown by so fast, but it has! And now, here we are, just a few weeks away from when I am hoping to officially start school - I am hoping to be able to be ready by the last week of August, so if all goes well in the next couple of weeks, things will settle down for good and I'll be more frequent on here! 


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