Our Little Singleton

Well, we had a surprise about 3 1/2 weeks ago.... a new PUPPY! Not just any new puppy, but a rare singleton. German Shepherds usually have litters of 4-8, so we were so surprised not only by an unexpected puppy, but to have only 1! Our female GS, Sammie, has had two litters previously. The first was a litter of 6, and the second a litter of 8. She was NOT supposed to have a litter this time, but nature and dog's design generally does it's own thing. So we have this one, fat, roly poly puppy! Our children are in love :) They were convinced that, since she was the only one, she was meant for our family forever. Of course, this isn't the plan, as it hasn't been ever, so she will be well loved and spoiled before finding a forever home. Did I stress SPOILED enough? I mean, really? Of course, who could resist this sweet little chubby puff of fur and fat? We pour a ton of love and care in to our puppies, and enjoy them immensely bef...