LEGO Education

Give me a 'L'! Give me an 'E'! Give me a 'G'! Give me an 'O'! What does that spell? LEGO Education! It was unanimous in my home that Legos were the 'in' thing to do with everyone, so we have used them a good deal here recently. I made the kids personalized Lego cards - what I could probably call Lego Command Cards - that cover a variety of areas. I will be sharing them soon, along with a little bit more about how we use them. In this post, I just thought I'd share some pictures of what inspired me the most and what they've been doing with them. Hoss has a hard time telling writing a story. One day, though, he and LM made this (pictured below) and he orally gave me an amazing story about what was going on, who was good, who was bad, what they were all doing, why they were doing it, etc. You get the point. I realized that he was able to think through what was in his brain with them. Add that to the aforementioned lo...