A New Venture In Blogging

I have been patiently waiting to share my new venture in blogging with you, and the time is now! Al ong with 29 other wives and mothers, there is a new blog in town,born of the idea from Sarah Avila at My Joy Filled Life . I can't tell you the honor it is for me to be a part of this blog, which focuses on large family living. Honestly, I never would have considered five children a 'large' family, although apparently it is to many others! I guess each child came one at a time, so it never felt 'large' to me. However, I am excited at the idea that maybe through the life we are blessed to have, with our family that God has given us, I might be used to be an encouragement to someone else. I would love to have you come look at the new blog, which is set to launch June 1! To find the blog, check out Fruitful Families at www.fruitfulfamilies.com . To find Fruitful Families on facebook, go to Fruitful Families on facebook . For a look at the Fruit...