Looking Back - A Look On The Year That Has Gone

A YEAR AT A GLANCE JANUARY AND FEBRUARY Started this blog, had a blast in the snow, and did my first full and mini themes - Valentine's Day and President's Day Had a blast doing some fun shopping for wish list items, two fun new games were born (the money game and pantry shopping), DIY play-dough and DIY Moveable Alphabet came in very handy for an Easter theme, and we spent LOTS of time at the library! We had so many picture opportunities in May and June, including Spring Pictures, Mother's Day, and Baseball season! We also had an amazing weather unit, and some sensory fun with dyed rice and DIY sound bottles! Summer came, and brought swimming, extra library trips, TONS of reading, fireworks, painting, and a mini-ocean unit! We started the 2013-2014 school year in style, with half work days, park trips to ride the train, and bicycle riding. We also enjoyed new sensorial materials, a fresh classroom, a new little reader, TOT scho...